To Snow College Students and Campus Community,
Around 6am of January 17th and 18th Ephraim Police received a report of a suspicious person looking in multiple windows at Park Place Apartments. Ephraim Police located and arrested a 35-year-old male. The arrested individual is not a student but is a resident of Ephraim City. He was charged with Voyeurism. This person has been trespassed from Park Place and the Snow College Campus.
At this time, we would like to remind everyone that it’s important to keep your blinds closed and doors locked especially during those time when you are wanting to protect your privacy and belongings. Although cameras were not used in this incident, be aware that small cameras can be placed in hard to see areas that are repaired or accessed by others, hotel rooms for example.
Also remember to report suspicious activity whenever it is witnessed. To keep our community safe, it takes all of us being aware and being willing to file a report. “See Something, Say Something”
We would also like to thank our partners at the Ephraim Police Department for the swift manner in which they handled this incident as well as the many others they handle each year.
January 21, 2023
Snow College Students Warned of Extortion Cases Involving Personal Photo
Ephraim, UT - Snow College has issued a warning to all students in response to a concerning rise in extortion cases aimed at individuals who have shared personal photos. Recent occurrences have unveiled a troubling trend where culprits manipulate students into sharing nude images, only to later extort them for money through blackmail schemes, threatening to release the photos and infringe on their privacy.
Don't fall for this type of acts. Don't send pictures to anyone on the internet that you don't want everyone to see. Don't send money to anyone you meet over the internet. Don’t let anyone pressure you to make quick decisions online or on any social media platform. If you ever feel pressured or are not sure about a social media decision/request; stop, take a break, and don’t immediately respond. Talk to a friend, family member, teacher, or the campus police. Get a second opinion.
By remaining vigilant and informed, we can collectively cultivate a safe environment where privacy is respected and everyone can prosper. These cases are hard to resolve with an arrest, as the perpetrators are usually out of the country. Students who have been victimized or suspect they may be targeted are encouraged to contact campus police at 435-283-7171.
If you are experiencing mental or emotional strain, please be aware that Snow College has multiple resources to assist you. TimelyCare is available by going to and logging in with your Snow College email address. If you would like more information regarding wellness support, please contact Snow College's Wellness Center at 435-283-7136.
Posted 9/6/2023
Snow College Public Safety welcomes everyone back for the new school year. As we start the new school year we hope everyone will think safety first. There are six areas of safety we want you to keep in your thought process.
1. Pedestrians, cross the street safely! Use crosswalks. Look both directions before crossing. Keep your head up. Don’t have earphones covering your ears. Be aware of approaching cars.
2. Drivers, drive the speed limit (25 mph). Always be looking in front of you. Watch for people crossing the road anywhere. Don’t be distracted while driving. Be aware of the sun and glare it causes.
3. Take responsibility for your personal property. Lock it up. Don’t leave it unattended.
4. If you, “See Something, Say Something”. If you see a person whose behavior is unusual, say something. If you see a person that looks like they don’t belong where they’re at, say something. If see that someone is in harm’s way say something. If you see an unusual package or bag, say something. Report suspicious behavior to police at 435-283-2345.
5. Always be aware of your surroundings. Know where you are and what is happening around you. Walk with a friend after dark. Let a friend know if you are going someplace or leaving town. For a safety escort between the hours of 7 pm and 1 pm call 435-340-8021
6. To help from spreading COVID-19, please practice the following:
For more COVID-19 info please visit
Snow College Public Safety wants everyone to be safe this school year. Focus a little more on your personal safety and campus safety as a whole. Have a great year Badgers.
On 9/08/2021 The Ephraim Police Department received information regarding an adult male attempting to lure two children to a vehicle. Officers responded to the location but were unable to locate the suspect vehicle. With the help of community tips and the officer's investigation, the suspect has been located and the incident is currently being investigated. We would like to thank the Ephraim City Community for your assistance in this matter.
The children involved in this case are not Snow Students. They had been visiting the Activity Center and were walking home. This didn’t occur on campus but was near campus.
We would like to take this opportunity to share some safety tips of what to do when approached by strangers..
Some tips to keep in mind are:
Posted: Sept 27, 2021
Date smart. Be safe. You can make a difference!
Snow College wants to encourage all students to be careful when becoming involved in any activity that has the potential of you losing control of your environment.
Some tips to keep in mind for dating and other social activities are:
Before your date, give someone you trust the information you have on this new person, including their first and last name, phone number, and when they can expect you home. Always have a cell phone charged and handy in case you need to call for help!
"Meeting there" gives you control of when you get there and when you leave.
Meet in a public place. When you do, you're creating your safety zone.
Go out as a group and come home as a group; never separate and never leave your friend(s) behind. Even if you are going to a party of someone you know, always bring a friend. Most sexual assault victims are assaulted by someone they know. Remember, if you invite your date to follow you home (or if you follow your date home) at the end of the evening, the possibility of your date ending in sex is significantly increased, whether that is your intention or not. If you are going on a date with someone you don't know or have just recently met, consider inviting a friend to come along with a date of their own.
Date rape drugs are sometimes put into a drink to prevent a person from being able to fight back during a rape. These drugs have no color, taste, or smell.
If you go to a party, club, or bar, here are some steps to avoid date rape drugs:
While taking steps for your safety is important, many cases of abuse or assault can also be avoided by becoming an active bystander to help others.
Bystanders are not directly involved in violent or dangerous situations. Learn to be aware of your surroundings and have the choice to intervene, speak up, or do something about it. A bystander is someone who is present and thus potentially in a position to discourage, prevent, or interrupt an incident.
If you have been a victim or know someone who has been a victim, please encourage them to contact Snow College Wellness at 283-7136, the Title IX Office at 283-7120, and/or Public Safety 283-7170 (office) or 435-340-1311 (cell).
Be the solution!
Posted: May 3, 2021
Snow College Public Safety has been notified of a local incident where Ephraim City Police Department (EPD) responded to a report of non-college-aged youth shooting BB guns out of a minivan earlier tonight. The suspects have been identified, and EPD has taken appropriate action. EPD may release additional information as appropriate for their protocol and procedures. Snow College would like to assure all students that there is no threat at this time from this situation.
Snow College Chief of Police, Derek Walk said, “Students’ safety is our top priority, and we will continue to do all we can to keep our campuses informed of situations as they arise. While there was no serious danger tonight, we want our students to have accurate information of what could be a worrisome situation. We encourage everyone to remember our mantra of ‘If you see something, say something.’ We can all do our part to keep our communities safe.”
Posted: March 22, 2021
Suspicious activity has been reported to Ephraim City Police. The unknown suspect came from behind, wrapped their arms around the victim who was on their driveway, and picked up the victim. They started moving towards the road. The suspect let go of the victim when a car turned the corner, and the suspect fled. The suspect has been described as being tall, broad, strong, and wearing a coat with three buttons on the sleeve. This occurred in area of 400 East 150 South in Ephraim.
This is a precautionary message. You do not need to do anything at this time. Please be alert and call 9-1-1 if there is an emergency. If you have additional information about this situation, please contact Snow College Police at 435-283-7171.
Posted: February 23, 2021
As interest in the recent outbreak of Coronavirus has grown, we have published an informational page with answers to frequent questions regarding the potential impact for Snow College students. Please visit the Coronavirus info page to keep up to date and learn more.
Updated: 17 March, 2020
Posted: 06 February 2020
On October 27, 2019 police responded to a report of home-made cookies that had been laced with a plant that could cause illness or in very high concentrations even death, although it appears in this matter that the dosage was not high. The cookies were made on campus by a student who gave the cookies out anonymously as a Halloween treat. The students that received the cookies were specifically targeted because they were all apartment roommates. The sender was not a roommate of that apartment. Some of these cookies were eaten and it appears that outside of some discomfort and concern all are doing well. We would like to remind everyone to only eat food that is coming from a trusted source and look for things that are suspicious in nature when it comes to gifts, especially when it is food. The person who sent the cookies has been charged with a crime and will possibly face sanctions from the college.
If you encounter something suspicious please contact campus police at 435-283-7170. If you ingest something call 911.
Posted: 30 October 2019
A Snow College Student, was in possession of a handgun on the Ephraim Campus. He has been charged with Possession of a Dangerous Weapon On Or About School Grounds and Disorderly Conduct. He was booked into the Sanpete County Jail on the above charges.
Earlier press release: At 3:13 PM Sanpete County Dispatch received a call of a person waving a handgun inside the Greenwood Student Center on the Snow College Ephraim Campus. Officers responded from Snow College Police Department and surrounding agencies within Sanpete County. The building was placed on lockdown, and officers cleared the entire building. The suspect was not found in the building. During the incident the suspect was identified. The suspect was located in his apartment and taken into custody without incident at 4:13 PM. A CO2 powered BB gun was found in the suspect’s apartment. The lockdown has been lifted.
Posted: 7 October 2019
We have received several reports of damage caused to vehicles on the Richfield Campus. Please be mindful of people that are wandering through parking lots or anywhere on campus. Report anyone or anything suspicious. Remember to keep your vehicles locked and belongings out of sight. It is always a good practice, no matter where you are, on or off campus, to be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious behavior. Please be safe.
To report suspicious behavior in Richfield call 435-896-6471 or in Ephraim call 435-835-2345.
Posted: 18 September 2019
Snow College Public Safety welcomes everyone back for the new school year. As we start
the new school year we hope everyone will think safety first. There are five areas
of safety we want you to keep in your thought process.
Snow College Public Safety wants everyone to be safe this school year. Focus a little more on your personal safety and campus safety as a whole. Have a great year Badgers.
Posted: 23 August 2019
Public health officials have identified two cases of mumps in residents in Sanpete
The Central Utah Public Health Department (CUPHD) is also investigating other probable
cases with close contact to the identified cases.
Mumps is a contagious disease that is caused by a virus. Signs and symptoms often include fever, headache, muscle aches, swelling of the salivary glands, causing a tender and swollen jaw. Complications of mumps can include encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), meningitis (inflammation of the tissue covering the brain and spinal cord), and deafness.
The following guidelines can help to reduce the risk for getting mumps:
For more information, please contact your local health department office which is located in Manti at 435-835-2231 or online. The Manti Health Office offers an immunization clinic at 40 West 200 North, Manti every Tuesday from 2 pm – 5 pm. Walk-ins are welcome but it’s best to call in advance.
Posted: 16 April 2019
This last weekend we have taken two reports of suspicious persons on campus. These individuals are unknown and we believe it is not a single individual.
This is not associated to the alert sent out on March 8th 2019.
At this time Snow College Public Safety would like to remind everyone in our campus community to be careful around strangers.
Please report suspicious behavior immediately.
Posted: 3 April 2019
We have recently had someone move into the Ephraim area. This person doesn’t always understand proper personal boundaries and relationships. We have had complaints regarding odd requests, such as a request to use a cell phone, and stalking type behavior. We know who this individual is and we have dealt with the complaints that have been made to police. This person is a Caucasian male in his 50’s who may be occasionally seen on or around campus. He has shoulder length wavy dirty blond hair, usually wears a sweat shirt and shorts, and often rides a bike. The individual has been cooperative with police requests. He is not a student but may be on campus as a community member.
At this time Snow College Public Safety would like to remind everyone in our campus community to be careful around strangers.
Posted: 8 March 2019
Halloween night is upon us. Be alert, aware of your surroundings, and think safety. These are safety tips we should always follow.
Report suspicious behavior or activities to law enforcement.
Call Sanpete County Dispatch 435-835-2345 or 911 for emergency.
Posted: 31 October 2018
Everyone has different preferences when it comes to transportation, but there's one that all road users share—everyone is a pedestrian. Unfortunately, pedestrians were one of the few groups of road users to experience an increase in fatalities in the United States in 2016, totaling 5,987 deaths.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) continues working to raise awareness about the dangers to pedestrians and bicyclists, and to provide leadership, expertise, and resources to communities across America to combat these crashes.
Please join us to reduce traffic safety risks to pedestrians and bicyclists, and to promote programs and countermeasures to save the lives of all road users on our Nation's roadways.
Finally, neither drivers nor walkers should allow themselves to be distracted by using cell phones, alcohol, or other consumables that impair reflexes.
The key to traffic safety success is awareness of everything going on around us as we walk, ride and drive. This is especially true around the College Community.
Snow College Public Safety is available to help address any concerns or any safety issues. Feel free to contact Public Safety at 435-283-7170 or Risk Management at 435-283-7120.
Posted: 11 October 2018
These Warnings are issued by the Snow College Department of Public Safety and the Ephraim City Police Department.